Knitting classes for every skill level

On Fridays, our knitting expert, Marion Cook, runs knitting lessons across a range of techniques and experience levels.
To book your place, give us a call or pop into the shop!
Payment will be taken on registration… and don’t forget to read our terms and conditions 🤓


  • 10.00am - 12.30pm

    Sampler cushion using several patterns made up of knit and purl stitches. We start in the middle with a small square and work around a side at a time, we will learn to pick up stitches and add in different patterns.

    £55 (for both classes)

  • 1.00pm - 3.30pm

    Once you have been to a beginners class the next step is putting some shape into your knitting. Learning how to increase, decrease and use short rows will enable you to explore a greater variety of patterns.


  • 10.00am - 12.30pm

    We will complete the centre of our cushion and work on the back section. The cushion is worked in one piece so there is minimal stitching up to do.

    £55 (for both classes)

  • 10.00am - 12.00pm

    Encountering knots on your latest knitting project? Join us for our Purls of Wisdom workshop – a sanctuary for solving all things knitting related. Bring along your latest project (big or small) and spend some time knitting and getting support from fellow crafters. We’ll have one of our expert tutors on hand to help you through those tricky stitches and help diagnose and solve your knitting conundrums. Tea, coffee, and biscuits will be offered to sustain you! Booking essential.


  • 1.00pm - 3.30pm

    Why not learn a new skill?

    We will look at different yarns and their properties. Learn how to cast on stitches, how to make a knitted or plain stitch and a purl stitch, and how to cast off.

    You will need to bring needles and yarn

    £55 (for both classes)

  • 1.00pm - 3.30pm

    Using the skills we learnt in Part 1 we will start your first project, following a pattern to make some simple coasters

    £55 (for both classes)

Terms and conditions

  • Should you be unable to attend your course, please let us know as soon as possible.

  • A full refund, or transfer of booking to another course, will be offered if cancelling at least 14 days before the date of the course.

  • For cancellations less than 14 days before your course, we will retain 20% of the workshop cost, unless we are able to fill your place.

  • For cancellations within three days of a workshop, we are not able to offer any refund, unless we have someone on the waiting list who is able to take your place at short notice, then we would retain 20% of the workshop cost.

  • Workshop places are transferrable – so if you are unable to attend, you might like to consider sending a friend in your placer – just let us know.

  • If SYC is unable to run a workshop or course, for whatever reason, we will give you as much notice as possible and try to accommodate your booking on another date.  Where this is not possible, then we would, of course, offer you a full refund. 

  • We do not accept liability for consequential costs, such as travel.

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